Students are expected to respect the law and to behave in a mature responsible manner at all times. Whenever a student behaves in a way which disrupts the education of himself/herself or other students, disciplinary action may be necessary. Further information regarding Midland Public Schools District policies can be found within the District Policy Handbook located within the following URL:
On December 9, 1970 the Michigan State Board of Education adopted a resolution which required all local boards of education to develop, adopt and publish a Code of Student Conduct The code was adopted by the Board of Education on May 22, 1972. The Midland Public Schools Code of Student Conduct (briefly) "identifies categories of misconduct, defines the conditions under which students may be suspended or expelled, and specifies the procedural due process safeguards which will be utilized." Some of the forms of misconduct which could result in suspension are health and hygiene, demonstration or disturbance, gang activity, hazing, obscenity and indecency, threatening communications, fighting, truancy, forgery, stealing, extortion, smoking, use or possession of drugs, alcohol or tobacco, criminal sexual conduct, sexual harassment, technology misuse, vandalism, arson, bomb threats, possession of weapons, disruptive behavior, gross misbehavior or open defiance. The Code of Student Conduct applies to all school sponsored events, whenever or wherever they are held.